Sunday, March 27, 2016

March Roast Beef Sandwich and Brown Ale

We squeezed March in the night before Easter (similar to last year).  We made French Dip Roast Beef Sandwiches with Onion Strings.  Both great recipes we will use again.

I picked up the last Madtree Gnarly Brown six pack at Kroger and it paired well and tasted yummy!

Here was our social media post:
March #foodbeerpairing "Roast beef sandwich and brown ale" featured @MadTreeBrewing Gnarly Brown. @WCPO @Mike_Canan

Saturday, March 19, 2016

I got the calendar!

So I bought the calendar.  I couldn't find any images online for some of the months so I went to the various websites selling it and found a good deal from Grommet.  Unfortunately it came but was missing December.  Fortunately they sent me a new one.

What really sold me was visiting the page calendar page and watching the video about the creator.  It inspired me to support her.

I found lots of other cool items that Redcruiser has for sale.